
Functional Foods at Farmers Markets - Week Nine

Functional Foods at Farmers Markets - Week Nine

The Northern Illinois Farmers Market guide tells us it’s time for us to grab some of the splendid green prickly globes known as artichokes. Many of us have never eaten or prepared one, so let’s take a look to find out what a wonderful functional food they are.

Functional Foods at Farmers Markets - Week Six

Functional Foods at Farmers Markets - Week Six

We’re starting to see apples at the farmers markets and will continue to see them throughout the next few months.

As you enjoy that first crispy bite into one, with the sweet juice gently trickling down your hand, you can imagine using this year’s apple crop for baking a sweet treat or a savory dinner, as a base for a delicious salsa, a rosy colored batch of beautiful applesauce, or to make a tasty and calorie friendly smooth apple butter.

Olive Oil - Liquid Gold

Olive Oil - Liquid Gold

Recently, a loyal blog follower submitted an inquiry about olive oil and her questions led to this week’s blog.  She was interested in knowing how to choose the best olive oil product in relation to what kind of food she is making and putting it in, what method of cooking she is using it for, and which type of olive oil provides the most health benefits.