Functional Foods at Farmers Markets - Week Twenty

Eastern Market - Detroit MI

Eastern Market - Detroit MI

Indoor Farmers Market - Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, IL 

Indoor Farmers Market - Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, IL 

Tasty Turnips

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Turnip (Brassica rapa)

It’s that time of year when cool-season turnips are adorning farmers markets.

When you spot turnips at the market, you’ve stumbled upon another versatile vegetable that offers wonderful nutrition benefits in both its root and greens.

Turnips, part of the Brassicaceae or mustard family that includes cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and, kale. 

Brassica vegetables, such as turnips, are known as cruciferous vegetables.

Crucifer is a Latin word that means “cross-bearing.”

Crucifer is a Latin word that means “cross-bearing.”

This refers to the four petals of the flowers resembling a cross.

This refers to the four petals of the flowers resembling a cross.

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Double Duty

Both turnips and turnip greens are naturally low calorie while providing a good source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and, a little bit of protein.

They pack calcium potassium, vitamin C, niacin and, much more.

Turnip Root - prior to cooking

Turnip Root - prior to cooking

Turnip Greens - frozen prior to cooking

Turnip Greens - frozen prior to cooking

Many people boil and mash turnips to either eat plain, or mix into mashed potatoes to give them a little zing.

Another cool alternative I saw was to make baked turnip chips and use them as a healthy potato chip replacement.

Turnips are served raw and cooked.

They can be used in salads, baked, braised, boiled, roasted, glazed, sautéed, added to soup, pickled, pureed, made into French fries and, prepared in many other creative ways.

Cruciferous vegetables, such as turnips, offer sulfur-containing compounds in the form of glucosinolates.These have been shown to lower the risk for cardiovascular disease and, many types of cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables, such as turnips, offer sulfur-containing compounds in the form of glucosinolates.

These have been shown to lower the risk for cardiovascular disease and, many types of cancer.

Depending on your calorie needs, one cup of raw fresh turnip greens contains approximately 127% of the Vitamin A daily need!This is fantastic news for the maintenance and function of your immunity, heart, lungs, vision, skin, bones and, reproductive…

Depending on your calorie needs, one cup of raw fresh turnip greens contains approximately 127% of the Vitamin A daily need!

This is fantastic news for the maintenance and function of your immunity, heart, lungs, vision, skin, bones and, reproductive organs.

Cooked turnip root offers a decent amount of fiber which, we know is great for colon health and, regular bowel movements.

Cooked turnip root offers a decent amount of fiber which, we know is great for colon health and, regular bowel movements.

Turnip greens are high in vitamin K that is involved in blood clotting, cardiac muscle, bone and, cartilage.This is great for most everyone unless you’re on a blood thinner which, if you are on one, means you have to closely follow the recommended v…

Turnip greens are high in vitamin K that is involved in blood clotting, cardiac muscle, bone and, cartilage.

This is great for most everyone unless you’re on a blood thinner which, if you are on one, means you have to closely follow the recommended vitamin K guidelines provided by your medical advisor.  

Additionally, Cleveland clinic reports that although turnips are sometimes thought to interfere with thyroid function, that is actually not the case. Turnips are one of the cruciferous vegetables that is fine for those with hypothyroidism. For more information visit this link





The next time we see them at the market, let’s not  quickly turnip our noses at turnips!

Give them a try and turnip the volume on your root vegetable intake today!!

OK! You can stop groaning.

Its time to go try some of the resources below.




Bon Appétit – 23 Turnip Recipes for Main and Side Dishes:

Chef Mom – Tantalizing Turnip Recipes:

Eating Well – Healthy Turnip Recipes:

Epicurious – Glazed Turnips:

Food Network – Gina’s Turnip Greens:

Food Network – Buttered Turnip Puree:

Kitchn – Seasonal Cooking: Interesting Things To Do With Turnips:

MyRecipes – Warm Turnip Green Dip:

MyRecipes – Turnip Greens Stew:

Real Simple – 4 Quick Turnip Recipes:

The Clean Dish – Crispy Curried Turnip Chips:

The Spruce – Roasted Turnips Recipe: