Many are amazed when I share some of the free nutrition and healthy living resources that are available on the web.
They are equally surprised when I tell them that it is only a small sample of what is available and that, in the U.S., our government provides a vast array of the free tools and resources that are partially and/or fully funded by our taxes.
This blog contains a small list of resources for:
General Healthy Eating
Children's Nutrition
Heart-Healthy Eating
Food Allergies/Intolerances
Weight Management
Have Fun Exploring!
General Healthy Eating Resources and Tools
CDC Nutrition Focused Podcasts for Adults
Nutrition.Gov provides reliable food and nutrition information found at many federal government nutrition programs. You’ll find nutrition, healthy eating, physical activity, and food safety that works for all age groups.
The Incredible Edible Egg website provides recipes, egg nutrition, cooking school, blog, and general egg information
USDA MyPlate helps people eat healthier throughout their lifetime by providing resources and tools that can be used through all stages of life, with many different cultures and languages, lifestyles, and individual needs.
USDA SuperTracker Food and Activity Tracker with many other tools to make a personal daily food plan for all ages.
USDA MyPlate Daily Checklist will help you determine what your daily MyPlate food group needs are and you can customize it with your personal information.
USDA The What’s Cooking? Mixing Bowl website features interactive tools to help with healthy meal planning, cooking, and grocery shopping, healthy recipes, options to build a cookbook, print recipe cards, and share recipes via social media.
Children's Nutrition Resources and Tools
American Heart Association Healthy Kids offers many resources, tools, and even an app!
CDC Podcasts for Kids - you will have to scroll through to find the nutrition focused podcasts but they are there.
USDA National Agricultural Library Interactive Playground area features links to interactive games and tools for kids to learn about nutrition, healthy eating, and healthy lifestyle.
USDA MyPlate Kids Place has resources and tools that can help children make healthier food choices with fun interactive science-based information.
Heart-Healthy Eating Resources and Tools
American Heart Association Healthy Eating Area has information about Nutrition, Cooking, Heart-Healthy Recipes, and Dining Out
CDC Salt/Sodium Education and Resources
CDC Preventing or Managing High Cholesterol: Healthy Living Habits
Mediterranean Diet Basics
CDC, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the U.S. DHHS Million Hearts® website is a great comprehensive resource that offers tools and ideas for Healthy Eating, Heart-Healthy Recipes, Easy Meal Plans, Inspiring Articles, Recipe Slideshows, and Featured Recipe of the Day.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)
Food Allergies/Intolerances
I have used some but not all of these websites to find alternate recipes that can fit specific nutrition goals and healthy eating plans.
Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) Blog has recipes and much more.
Kids With Food Allergies (KFA) provides free living with a food allergy focused tools and resources, educational materials, recipes, webinars, and videos.
Gluten-Free Living Magazine website has numerous GF resources such as Recipes, Savings, Lifestyle Tips, Product Reviews/Recommendations
GFreeConnect provides information about gluten free brands and products.
Weight Management Resources/Tools
American Heart Association
CDC Healthy Weight
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Weight Management Tools and Resources Interested In Losing Weight?
USDA Healthy Weight Loss Handouts and Websites